Fuji Film C.T.P. Plates & Machinaries

Fujifilm has long been known for the quality of our plates. We have plates for most applications conventional, CTP, newspaper, as well as industry leading lo-chem or chemical free environmentally plates.

When paired with Fujifilm plates the Intertech Award winning "Z" intelligent processor allows you to manufacture a long and/or medium run no bake thermal plate with incredible consistency, speed and reduced chemical usage.

Violet Brillia HD LP-NV2

Scaleable system to reach many run length requirements
Brillia HD LP-NV2 is suitable for UV and long press runs. Scaleable system to reach many run length requirements.

Brillia LP-NV is the market leading violet photopolymer CTP plate. Its highly sensitive and durable emulsion rests on Fujifilm’s unique, patented, Multigrain aluminium base enabling users to benefit from reduced plate making times and consistent high quality print. Available in most sizes, LP-NV has quickly been adopted by those choosing to use the latest CTP technology.

Brillia HD LP-NNV

High speed photopolymer for violet LD newspaper platesetters.
This plate is developed exclusively for the Newspaper industry of tomorrow. The pre-press and printing conditions associated with Newspaper production were key to the design and development of the LP-NNV plate.